Prosecco DOC Moves Towards Sustainability

The denomination is making important steps in its commitment to a healthy environment

Treviso, 10 March 2017For years, the debate on sustainability and its various meanings has become an unavoidable topic of discussion in the world of agriculture at every level, from local to international, from producer to consumer. Clear, consistent, and practical policies are essential, both in terms of technology and, even more importantly, in terms of economics and culture.

In the very near future, Prosecco DOC plans to obtain a certification that will initially guarantee the sustainability of individual wines and will ultimately guarantee the sustainability of the entire Prosecco denomination. This will be achieved through a management system that not only focuses on agricultural procedures (including organic pest management), but also positive socioeconomic practices.

The project will encourage dialogue within local communities in the hopes of promoting and better understanding the importance of sustainable practices and continuous improvement. Prosecco DOC Consortium President Stefano Zanette stated that, “Based on this premise, knowing what the Prosecco producers will have to face, we are eliminating the main molecules under debate, Glyphosate, Folpet and Mancozeb, in the Wine Handbook 2017. Even if permitted by law, these elements seem to have become a source of concern for both local residents and consumers. I am committed to ensuring that the ban of these active ingredients is binding, i.e. mandatory for all producers in our denomination.”

The Consortium has come to the conclusion that belief is as important as reality, and faced with the disapproval of the community to which it belongs, the Consortium wishes to ensure that residents are proud to live in the Prosecco production zone, especially the 3% of the population (based  on recent studies) that sees viticulture as a threat rather than an opportunity.

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